After its very successful, star-studded celebrity screening held recently, Skylight Films' drama-comedy movie masterpiece "Tuhog," starring Enchong Dee, Jake Cuenca, Empress, Leo Martinez and Eugene Domingo, will open on cinemas nationwide this Wednesday (July 14). Part of ABS-CBN Film Productions Inc.'s 20th anniversary celebration and directed by award-winning director Venorica "Ronnie" Velasco, "Tuhog" is a heartwarming yet funny tale of connected lives of three people who are all going through tough times--Fiesta (Eugene), a woman who lost hope on life because she thought that nobody loves her; Caloy (Enchong), a impetuous teenager who is so excited to try everything; and Tonio (Leo), a senior citizen, who believes that time is running out but still excited to live out his dream. According to Eugene, everyone in their team is so proud of "Tuhog" because it imparts a fresh and brave narrative that covers different movie genres and ...